
P.Trash 102 TRASH KNIFE - 2nd 7" (Co-release with FDH / Crapoulet Rec.)

Philly's TRASH KNIFE heat up the blade again and cut off 6 new slices of finest basement Punk on this second 7inch for us.
The record deals with everyday shit problems in "Struggletown Freak Out", "I'm done" and "I need", copes with shit clients at shit jobs in "Tips", hates modern age phenomenoms in "Kill your selfie" and comments on the disease that is the tweeting blond orang-utan hokus POTUS.
This is cool, impetuous and fucked up adolescent anger packed in chaotic, yet catchy songs with a female voice and enough attitude and melodies to make you skate or freak out. If you are into REATARDS, THE GERMS and BIKINI KILL - pass the knife and cut the trash!

Limd. 300 "Regular" P.Trash Rec. Edit.
Limd. 100 "FDH Rec." Edit.
Limd. 100 "Crapoulet Rec." Edit.
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax, artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard
Limd. handful made "Testpress" Artwork (Club-Version) printed on transparent acetate. All test get the white vinyl testpress-sticker stamped with P.Trash logo, and name signed for each owner


P.Trash 101 TELECULT - Waiting 7" (Co-release with Crapoulet & No Glory Rec.)

TELECULT, a new pop punk/garage band from Paris, France. The songs recorded and mixed in Paris by Maxime Smadja (YOUTH AVOIDERS, RIXE..) and mastered by Dave Williams (STEVE ADAMYK BAND, CRUSADES…). Think IDLE HANDS meets STEVE ADAMYK BAND or the one and only BUZZCOCKS!!!
TELECULT line-up is 3/4 of THE HELLTONS (pop punk) which released two LPs, some Europe and a US tours.

Limd. 200 "Regular" Edit. black wax, fixed into standard sleeves
Limd. 87 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax, black artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard


P.Trash 100 GEN NULL - Hey, Maschine 7" (Co-release with No Front Teeth / Glass Eye Rec.)

Auf unserer 100sten P.Trash 7'' Veröffentlichung präsentieren wir eine Band aus unserer nicht-existenten Heimatstadt, die seit der Veröffentlichung der NOTDURFT LP vor 35 Jahren auch in keinem Punkatlas mehr zu finden war. Und genau im Jahr 1982, wo unsere "No Future" Generation als "Goldene Reiter", durch Atomwaffen / Kalten Krieg, und durch den Sound der Neuen Deutscher Welle / KBD geprägt wurde, knüpfen GEN NULL mit ihrem NDFW Sound an. Irgendwie fing irgendwann in jener Zeit die Zukunft an!
Neue Deutsche Freak Welle nennen GEN NULL diese geballte Ladung Elektroclash-Synthiepunk Mix, der sowohl punkige Einflüsse von ROTZKOTZ, MINISEX und DAF, sowie auch poppige FALCOness liefert. Und obwohl man diesem Sound die 80er Jahre anhört, sind GEN NULL weder ein dadaistisches Minimal-Wave Künstlerkollektiv, noch eine Rummelplatz-Retro-NDW Band.
Die 4 Songs auf dieser Scheibe zeigen, wie wenig sich die Band um authentisch klingende Nostalgie oder weichgespülte Kommerzromantik kümmert. Das pumpende "Hey, Maschine" läuft bald in jeder Shopping Mall, die schnelle Anti-Arbeits-Hymne "Businessgrab" kann man immer mal wieder zwischendurch auf der Fabrik- oder Bürotoilette hören, das poppig treibende "Displaystarre" ist der ideale Begleiter für einsame Herzen bei jeder U-Bahnfahrt und "Das Ende" schweißt Freunde mehr zusammen als ein gemeinsamer Knastaufenthalt….
Live gibt es dann richtig einen auf die Fresse, sobald sich der charismatische Sänger "Tabäus" (Nicht unähnlich Gabi Delgado-López von DAF) mit Mikro bewaffnet unters Publikum mischt…
Du willst GEN NULL, immer tanzbar, poppig, kritisch und schön kaputt, DAS Comeback deiner Jugend!!!

We at P. TRASH are more than happy to present you GEN NULL for the release of our 100th 7inch record, a band from our non-existent hometown which couldn't be found anywhere in the Punk atlas since the release of NOTDURFTs LP 35 years ago!
Exactly in 1982, a new kind of sound popped up everywhere in Germany, Punks discovered technology and started new bands and created a very distinctive sound that two years later was sucked dry and killed by the music industry under the label of NDW.
GEN NULL pick up that pre-NDW sound and call it NDFW - Neue Deutsche Freak Welle/New German Freak Wave, a mix of Electroclash and Synthpunk that takes influences of early German speaking bands like ROTZKOTZ, MINISEX and DAF and a certain FALCO coolness and deliver it with an up-to-date snotty attitude. The four fast and meldodic songs on this 7'' demonstrate that this band doesn't care neither for dadaistic Minimal-Wave nostalgia nor authentically sounding retro village fair music.
GEN NULL is just two punks with a laptop that want to make you dance and refuse!!!

Limd. 400 "Regular" P.Trash Rec. Edit.
Limd. "No Front Teeth Rec." Edit.
Limd. "Glass Eye Rec." Edit.
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax, pink / black artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard
Limd. handful made "Testpress" Artwork printed on transparent acetate. All test get the white vinyl testpress-sticker stamped with P.Trash logo, and name signed for each owner


P.Trash 99 SVART KATT - Rosta Sönder 7" (Co-release with Rundgång Rec.)

SVART KATT are everybody's favourite punk pets since they started to appear on the hot Swedish tin roof. They follow the footsteps of other fellow bands, like EBBA GRÖN, HURULAS, STEFAN & THE PROBLEMATIX, MASSHYSTERI or TRISTESS, with an unmistakeable sound between melody and melancholy. All five songs on this 7'' share the desperate, reverb driven vocals and super cool synths in the background that makes it clear hat we are talking post-punk here. Powerful bass lines in driving mid-tempo, twangy reverb guitars, dark organs and attitude as well as a rough and authentic live room production support this beautiful end time feeling.
It is definitely going to be a good day when this black cat record is crossing your path!

Limd. 200 "Regular" P.Trash Rec. Edit. black wax, fixed into standard sleeve
Limd. 300 "Regular" Rundgång Rec. Edit. black wax, fixed into standard sleeves
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax, black artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard


P.Trash 98 TRASH KNIFE - Trash Life 7" (Co-release with Dig The Fuzz / Secret Identity Rec.)

"Trash Life" the latest 7"-release by P.Trash is a killer 5-song Punkripper from Philadelphia. Knowing the details and short description by Peter I was eager to listen to it. And, Yesss! All 5 songs explodes out of the speakers! It is a little back-to-the-roots-feeling for P.Trash in it - kinda lost songs of "Killed By Trash" compilations. Extra Plus!
These 5 songs are all originals recorded in a garage-infected JAY REATARDS'-KBD-sound, too dirty for hardcore and finally too edgy for pop punk. All the kids in their squats will end in a cluster of pals I guess. Maybe that's the best thing could happen going nuts and breaking borders, female fronted TRASH KNIFE would be your companions in distress.
See you in hell(Europe-Tour)! - Micha

Limd. 200 "Regular" P.Trash Rec. Edit. black wax, fixed into standard sleeves
Limd. 200 "Regular" Dig The Fuzz Rec. Edit. black wax, fixed into standard sleeves
Limd. 100 "Secret Identity Rec." Edit. black wax, fixed into limd artwork sleeves
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax, black artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard


P.Trash 97 VÅNNA INGET - Vi Har Begränsat... 7" (Co-release with Majken Rec.)

The Malmö connection is back on track, carrying two awesome new songs in their caring arms! Despite their indisputable roots in the "punkrock harbour", those new tracks are by far the most poppy output VÄNNA INGET has delivered so far. I can barely hold back some (very manly) tears of joy while I dance AND dream to these synth-ridden pop-anthems. On each and every chord there´s this typical Scandinavian pop-appeal which is so succinct for VÄNNA INGET and they know just exactly how they use it to get straight into your heart! Get this platter right now and sort it right next to your TERRIBLE FEELINGS, HURULA and MASSHYSTERI records!

Limd. 400x Regular Edit. Black Wax, black artwork printed to regular 7" bags
Limd. 50x Testpress (25x P.Trash Edit. we did an amazing testsleeve. Artwork printed on transparent acetate
All test will get innersleeve stamped with P.Trash logo, name signed for each owner, plus Karolina photographic art inlay printed on transparent acetate also, include to each packaging

Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. Black Wax, black artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard


P.Trash 96 PAST - Demo 7" (Co-release with Samuel Rec.)

Superlövely Polish four-piece PAST knows just exactly how to summon "the good old times" with their debut-4-track-release aka DEMO. On one hand this postpunk-beast clearly orientates itself to fellow countrymen MADE IN POLAND and the almighty SIEKIERA (Nova Alexandria-era), on the other one can hear a good slice of dreamy VÅNNA INGET and X-MAL DEUTSCHLAND - which btw were painted on the back of my very first leatherjacket, hehe. Dreamy and driven, melancholic and yet critical of society - the song "Ulrike" is about German RAF-founder Ulrike Meinhof - there´s a distinct leftwing punk background going on, and that´s the way it has to be!
The rotating female-male vocals are brilliant and add an extra-large special bonus as they are in their mother tongue. There´s no way around PAST if you´re in any way into good 80s postpunk!!

Limd. 200 Regular 1st Press Samuel Edit. Black wax Edit. / white sleeve
Limd. 100 Col. Wax 2nd Press Samuel Edit. Ultra Clear Wax Edit. black artwork printed recycled white paper
Limd. 200 3rd Press P.Trash / Samuel Rec. Black Wax, black artwork printed recycled 300g white paper, with red sticker
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. ultra clear vinyl, black artwork printed to metallic mirror silver paperboard


P.Trash 95 SPENT FLESH - Deviant Burial Customs (Tour 2015) 7" (Co-release with Rockstar Rec.)

American noise punks SPENT FLESH return with a follow up to 2012's well received self titled 10" with a new 7" to support a spring 2015 European tour. In their latest offering "Deviant Burial Customs" , SPENT FLESH systematically dissect, and unapologetically destroy hardcore punk and traditional song structure all while paying homage to the influences of generations before. In the words of Pablo Picasso, "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
SPENT FLESH takes highlights of American hardcore in the 1980's and effortlessly blend them with pop punk, noise, and some avant-garde elements.
This collection of songs is constantly mutating at break neck speed, all served up in a wonderful mess that blasts thru 9 songs in just over 13 minutes!!!

Limd. 400 "Regular" Edit. comes with kicked teeth artwork sleeve
Limd. 100 "Rockstar" Edit. black wax plus downloadcode, comes with deluxe silk-screened covers, purple colour printed to thick black paperboard
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax plus downloadcode, comes with deluxe silk-screened covers, bronze colour printed to thick black paperboard


P.Trash 94 THE UNRELEASABLES - Music For No Brainers 7"

Sorry, 7" canceled!!!


P.Trash 93 DER FADEN - Same 7" (Co-release with Dirt Cult Rec.)

It feels good to know that the string on which STATUES’ Rob’s feeling for killer tunes is dangling seems to be thick like the Incredible Hulk’s forearm. From the very first note on this here 7’’ you recognize how much you been missing the sweeping signature sound of this mutant of music. This time around, Rob is tag teaming up with the soon-to-be missus Sarah and keeps it in the family under the moniker of DER FADEN.
’Best Guess’ is an irresistible number with male and female vocals that takes the best of the STATUES’ catchiness and the TRANZMITORS’ danceable cool and throws in a guitar line you haven’t heard since EXTRABREIT’s ’Hurra Hurra die Schule brennt’.
The driving flipside ’Filaments’ is pure STATUES gold with a little pinch of 80s Wave, a DEVOesque guitarline and female vocal harmonies. Still critical, still concerned, still catchy and melodic as hell, this little glimpse of Rob’s current state of affairs will get easily through the narrow eye of any bored and resigned music lover’s needle. Let’s just hope that there is more family recording business going on down in the basement.

DER FADEN got their first show on Halloween 2014. Here is a little fun thing they did for Halloween:

Limd. 400 "Regular" P.Trash Edit. comes in black wax
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax comes with deluxe silk-screened covers, neon green colour printed to thick white paperboard


P.Trash 92 VOIGHT-KAMPFF - Last House On The Right / Little Dyings 7" (Co-release with Rockstar Rec.)

'Distance makes the sound grow darker' seems to be the message that VOIGHT-KAMPFF send out after three years of silence with these two new songs. The VK masterminds Sulier and Swanson-White now live further apart in two different states and the songs that they present here has definitely drifted away from their harder sound towards a more dark and danceable Indie/Post-Punk direction. 'Little darlings' has a pulsating and threatening bass line over a mechanic looped drumbeat and a fierce New-Wave guitar delivered by Swanson-White over which Sulier croons in his sombre and laconic baritone voice. Though 'Last house on the right' is harder and, due to the distorted and weird guitar sound, stands out as the punkier track on this 7’’, both songs share the same aloof, melancholic and cool JOY DIVISION vibe that make punks and fans of Dark Wave come together on the dancefloor.

Limd. 200 "Regular" P.Trash Edit. comes in black wax
Limd. 200 "Regular" Rockstar Edit. comes in black wax
Limd. 100 "Rockstar" Edit. black wax comes with deluxe silk-screened covers, white colour printed to thick photo paperboard
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. black wax comes with deluxe silk-screened covers, gold colour printed to thick dark green paperboard


P.Trash 91 - LATEX SQUAD - Same 7" (Co-release with Wanda Rec.)

Better late than never, here's the delayed tour ep for the Canada mini-tour of LATEX SQUAD. Behind this ultra-cool ensemble is the mastermind of german trashpunx LATEX LOVERS and they deliver us some cool-as-fuck garage-poppy punkrock-action, not that far from their main outfit. You just can't deny those awesome parallels to bands like THE TOYOTAS, MANIKINS, ABOUT:BLANKS and even diverse KILLED BY DEATH-stuff. This shit goes straight forward, climbs right into your ears and makes you party like there's no tomorrow! Four great songs, not even one hits the 2 minutes - exactly how it's supposed to be!

Limd. 150 "Regular" P.Trash Edit. comes in black wax, tank artwork sleeves
Limd. 250 "Regular" Wanda Edit. comes in black wax, pants artwork sleeves
Limd. 100 "P.Trash Club" Edit. comes with deluxe silk-screened covers, with blackbird artwork