
Dear P. Trash family!
Finally, we find the time, patience and strength to express our sincerest and heartfelt gratitude for all the support and love we experienced in the aftermath of Peter's tragic passing. Knowing that Peter is still in the hearts and thoughts of so many people and that his legacy will live on in our little magical musical universe is very soothing and beautiful to know. We as a family want to thank everybody who shared their thoughts and memories in wonderful e-mails and letters from all around the world, who solaced us with warm and kind words and with little gestures of sympathy.
When we held the unbelievable Trash On! compilation in our hands for the first time and sat together to listen to it record by record, song by song, it felt so power- and painful at the same time. Our words can hardly express how much.
Thanks thanks thanks so much to all the bands and people that gave away their art and music to show their affection, grief and love for Peter and our family in so many great songs!
Big hugs and kisses to Eric (FDH Records), Marco (No Front Teeth Records) and Tobi (Gen Null) for having the idea and following this fantastic project filled with so much hard work and obstacles just to show their friendship for our father and husband. And thanks to everybody who bought this compilation! You are great!
Be absolutely sure that Peter would have flashed his trademark grin and in his own distinctive way he would have said: "Total genial!".

Love always
Susanne, Annika & Madita


Dear P. Trash family!
Please let me all tell you the following: It is very very hard and bitter to lose somebody you love, somebody you shared so many good years and millions of precious moments with. But the love, friendship and appreciation you showed for Peter console and help us in these difficult times. We want to thank everybody who shared their thoughts and memories, who solaced us with warm and kind words and little gestures of sympathy. You are great and it feels good to know you are there! Thank you so much!

Susanne, Annika & Madita

Attention: There will be one last P. Trash release, Full Trash 150. Together with our beloved friends of Eric (FDH), Marco (NO FRONT TEETH) and Tobi (MOLASKI/ GEN NULL) we will end P. Trash with TRASH ON! - A TRIBUTE TO PETER EICHHORN & P. TRASH RECORDS with 104 P. Trash bands from all over the years, unreleased songs, killer artwork done by Marco NFT on a fistful of LPs! There is no other way for us to thank Peter for his friendship! Please stay tuned!


Dear P. Trash family,
dismayed and with great sadness we have to inform you that Peter of P. Trash Records died last tuesday, 16th of January 2018, from his injuries following a tragic car accident. With Peter, the record label also died. There will be no more releases on P. Trash.
Our children, parents, friends and me, we are deeply shocked and devastated and we can't believe it.
Please understand that I need some time for us at the moment. I will try to work off all open business as soon as possible. I know you understand!


PS: In case you have questions or you feel the need to say something, please contact us
ptrashrecords@online.de Thanks!
